Free Dartmouth
2/11/2003 02:00:00 PM | Timothy

Campus Crusade for Christ

Karsten asks me to say my true feelings about the CCC. I can see why 'crusade' might have historical connotations and can certainly appreciate Karsten's point about the CCC lacking a sense of irony (though who knows for sure...). I don't agree in this case (if there really is a tie between true fervant belief and wrong actions, why not let the name stand out?) We can argue about the labelling of the group, and I am willing to concede Tim-like logic could be used to attack the name, but the discussion has turned not to the name of the CCC, but to the group itself. Here I must strongly disagree with much of what has been said.

My dad says he met some nice Campus Crusaders for Christ when he was at Dartmouth. [Last sentence has been edited slightly-TW] My father has never been a fundamentalist Christian, but he appreciated their spirituality (though they may not have appreciated his viewpoint on this). And despite my (and his) lack of shared belief with CCC, I can appreciate their zeal. Let us not forget that the term 'liberal crusader' or 'crusader for social justice' has some of the same connotations: someone who is sure they are right and are trying to convince other people. This idea of religious pluralism that Karsten mentions: is there a necessary connection between trying to convert other people and a problem with religious pluralism? It may work that way sometimes, I suppose, but it doesn't in all cases, and certainly not here at Dartmouth. Karsten brings up a point worth considering about funding from outside groups. As for Christian groups targeting non-Christians... well, from their vantage point who else do they target? I mean, I don't agree with their theology, but if I did, logic would say I should do the same, no? Of course, I can understand, given the history, why Jews, for example, wouldn't want to be barraged with conversion literature. But fundamentalist or evangelical Christians can believe that you or I are not going to heaven. I daresay they can even declare people non-Christian. What do you care if they think you are going to hell if you think it doesn't exist? I am not sure this is to some organized religion's credit, but religion's essence is often said to be to draw a line and exclude the non-believers. Now, I am not saying that all groups that try to convert by definition cannot be bigotted. See Jack Chick tracts for a repulsive example. But is the CCC really like that? What are the boundaries of 'intolerance' such that one can justify being intolerant of a group? (finally before I head to class, for those of you who have complained about the possible connotations of the word 'crusade', there have been other comments on the board that are not exactly 'soft' and 'sensative')


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